Why You Should Schedule a Session At Home {Lifestyle Family Photographer- Raleigh, NC}

I’ve always loved sessions that take place in the clients’ homes. Even before I started doing sessions of my own I would see them on other photographer’s pages and think, that’s what I want to do! I love the realness and the intimacy of it. Yes, you can always go to a pretty location and take pretty pictures, but there’s something special about taking beautiful images in the place you love the most.

There are some other reasons that make home sessions the best:

  1. More time to get ready! You don’t have to commute to a location so it’s easier to get ready, especially if you have young children. No loading everyone in the car and you don’t have to remember to bring the snacks!!

  2. Everyone is super comfortable at home. There’s no risk of too many people in the same park, and there won’t be strangers watching the session. Added bonus: Kids love showing new people they meet their home! I find that kids get comfortable more quickly with me when I’m on their turf!

  3. You can include special items in your pictures a little more easily when you’re at home: a book, grandma’s chair, and your dog!

  4. Finally, you can include your special space in your photos. Your children in their rooms, for example, or everyone hanging out in the kitchen. It is also nice to document your life as it is everyday.

    Here are some images I have done at in-home family sessions recently:

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Contact me to set up a session this summer!