Raleigh family sessions

My Themes for Photographing Family Sessions

Every session is different, but I always try to hit a few themes with my posing and perspective. I do this without telling my clients. It’s a process I think through in my mind. Instead of having a checklist of poses, I like to think of how I will show certain emotions though the interactions of your family.

Here are a few examples of the themes I love to photograph:


I am who I am, which is a sucker for love, so every session I’m striving for connection and expressions of your love as a family. I can guarantee that I’m going to ask you to hug, kiss, snuggle, and sniff each other (just kidding! sort of! ;) It’s just something I have to capture every time!

Love is my favorite theme, so be ready to get cuddly, ok?


We have fun at the sessions. It’s not all stiff sitting and perfect posture. During our session you guys will hug, snuggle, maybe lie down, pick up the kids, maybe throw them in the air, hang them down low, swing from side to side, and dance! There will also be a few games. Don’t worry, it’s easy stuff!


Of course when we’re having fun we are going to get some laughs, and this is one of my favorite types of pictures to capture. Having fun with your family is the best. Who else knows all the silly inside jokes and all the best tickle spots??


Even with the wildest kids (not that I’ve photographed “the wildest kids” I don’t know who they are?!), there are moments of calm in every session. Moments where the kids hug their parents and are genuinely happy to be with their parents and siblings.

I think many parents assume the photo session is going to be a disaster. They think “someone will melt down, kids are going to be uncooperative, and someone will be running around and not listening, my partner is going to be annoyed” but that is not the case in my experience. Most kids (and partners) ;) are really cooperative. They love just spending time with their parents. Sure, some might need to take a break and then come back, and that’s why I always recommend 1 hour sessions for younger kids.

I always say to parents to reassure everyone that the session will be fun. Try to get the family pumped to have a good time and you will have calm, happy kids!

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I guess this could be combined with fun, but have you ever had a kid not experience pure joy when they are be lifted or tossed in the air? It looks like the best time ever.

If you are looking for a lifestyle family photographer in Raleigh, Durham, Cary, or Wake Forest please send me a message! I would love to photograph you!
Contact me here

Springtime First Birthday Session- Raleigh Family Photographer

We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful morning for a photo session in honor of this little lady’s first birthday on a Sunday morning a couple weeks ago. It was slightly cool, but warmed up and there was zero humidity. There was no one in the very popular park, which is a miracle. Also? A week later a path was mowed down the middle of this grass patch we were standing in!

Little Miss Olivia is the happiest baby. She was a dream to photograph, just so smily and having so much fun.

If you need more convincing that springtime sessions deserve their moment in the sun, I present these images for your consideration :)
