Raleigh Motherhood Portraits

Introducing Mini Motherhood Portraits

Lately there’s been a lot of dialog online and in real life about how hard motherhood is. I think when it was really eye-opening to some when they were stuck at home and saw how much has to happen to keep the house running. Motherhood is hard. It’s tiring. It’s stressful. It’s beautiful and amazing all at once.

Moms do a lot. We tend to be the main caretaker. Even if we have a helpful partner (as I do!) we still have a lot of mental load that they don’t realize or know how to help with.

Planning meals, packing lunches, scheduling activities, planning vacations, decluttering, organizing, buying new shoes and clothes, heck even knowing our kids sizes, their preferences for snacks, etc, and scheduling Dr. appointments… I could go on and on. A lot of times these tasks fall to us! It’s A LOT to keep straight. We need some appreciation, and one day is not enough! Beautiful portraits to honor the Queen that you are is a start.

Enter a beautiful way to commemorate your motherhood story. Mini Motherhood Portraits!

This May treat yourself to beautiful portraits of you and your littles. These will be done in a light, timeless, and classic style. No props or distracting displays or themes. Just you with your baby to capture the beauty of motherhood. 

These images will stand the test of time and be beautiful and classic for decades to come. As someone who lost their mom when I was young, 21, I know how important it is to get pictures with your children as a mom. One day it will be all they have left. 

How are these different from other sessions?

Inside vs Outside. Let’s start with the obvious. They are inside, so there will not a distracting background of trees and other things that you find at parks and not even the distraction of lots of other things in the room. The focus is solely on you and your connection with your child. You will be the star of the photograph.

This is a new take on an old retro studio session. This is not overly posed like the portraits we did in the 80s/90s with our parents, these will still have that lifestyle feel, which is more true to life and shows the loving way you interact with your child when the camera is not around.

Let’s be honest, selfies don’t cut it when you’re printing and framing images. You and your children deserve professional images once in a while. What better way to do it than an easy, breezy 15 min session inside in the comfort of a/c.

This May book treat yourself to a Mini Motherhood Portrait Session

When: May 22- Starting at 9:30 am

Where: Private Residence in Knightdale

Details: 15 minutes- 10 images included $225

Ready to book? Book your session here

Interested in an in-home newborn or family session? I have those too! Send me a note here to get in touch!