Should I book a Full Session or a Mini Session for My Family Photos?

When thinking about what kind of family session you will schedule for your family you will need to decide whether it will be a full session or a mini session. Mini sessions are typically 30 minute or shorter and full sessions are usually around an hour or slightly longer. 

Many parents may think that they only need a few minutes to get a couple “good shots” or that one family picture for the holiday card. And it’s true, while you don’t “need” 50 pictures, you may want to reconsider having a full session for a few reasons that you might not realize.

  1. Full Sessions get all the shots: The different combinations of shots I will take is limited when I have less time. For example at mini sessions I’m not able to go through my complete family shot list. Typically during a full session I will start with the whole family together, then I’ll do mom with the kids, mom with each kid alone, then dad with the kids, dad with each kid alone, siblings and different groupings if there are more than 2, each kid alone (if we have time), then I end with more group shots so there are many different photographs of the family together. I don’t always get every picture on this list depending on how kids are feeling towards each other and the mood they are in, but it’s the goal and usually I get it, or get very close to getting everything. MIni sessions will probably mostly just get half this list. Usually I’m not able to get individual shots and parents with every child during a mini session. There’s just not enough time.

  2. Time to warm up: A full session gives the kids more time to warm up to me. This is especially great for little kids. Older kids usually are pretty cooperative about doing the things I ask of them, but younger kids sometimes need a little more time. A full session gives them time to take breaks if they need to. This is why it’s great to have a full hour so we can take all the pictures we want to get, and kids don’t feel rushed or stressed.

3. We play games: I like to play games with kids and it takes longer! I can’t play games in mini sessions, there isn’t enough time. But ask any of my young clients if they like to swing in my blanket or run under the blanket and they will not want to miss out on that part of the session!

4. If there is a meltdown or a need for snacks we have more time to take a break during a full session. In a mini session there is no time to stop. A kid who needs time away from the camera to regroup will be able to go off and take a snack or play a little before rejoining the session.

5. In addition to having more time for different people combinations, we also have time for different family “poses” and locations. If at a park, we can walk around take pictures at different spots with different configurations, sitting, standing, dancing, laying down, you name it. If we are doing the session in your home we can move around to different rooms or even do half inside in your yard or at a park in walking distance. You will have lots to choose from when you see your gallery. This way, you will find something you love!