How to prepare for a newborn session

It’s such a wonderful time when you are preparing for a newborn, the last thing you should do is stress over getting ready for a newborn session. This is why I try to make it as easy as possible on new parents. My style for newborn session is lifestyle with baby-led posing.

What is baby-led posing?
Just like it sounds like, baby-led posing lets the baby show us what they are in the mood for. If they are happy lying on the bed, great! We’ll take pictures there. If they are fussy and and want to be held by Mommy, we’ll get those shots instead. I don't ever put a baby in an unnatural pose, and I don't spend countless hours calming or posing babies. I know how special this time is with your new baby and getting used to being a new family of three, four or whatever. I want to make the session be a reasonable amount of time, not hours and hours! So… we will get beautiful, natural portraits of your newborn baby while they are the most comfortable, so you can get back to bonding with your new love.

The main reason I do it this way is because I don’t want the sessions to be stressful for the baby or for the parents. A baby is most comfortable in their parents arms, so they should be that way for the majority of the session. And I never want parents to feel stress about their baby sleeping at the right time.

What about wardrobe?

I prefer families to wear soft colors for newborn sessions. Think a mixed palette of pale shades of some of the following: white, gray, pink and blue. In addition to looking great, soft colors communicate a calm image. With that in mind, I recommend avoiding bright colors (such as red or fuschia) which project a different vibe than a soothing newborn session. Light colors and patterns photograph well. Think coordinating, not matching.

I recommend babies wear something simple and timeless. A plain white onesie or sleeper is ideal. We’ll likely do some shots clothed and swaddled. Also a swaddle is a fun way to add a pop of color. Check out my Pinterest board here or Little Unicorn for some cute options. Please no real clothes or onesies with words on them.

I’ve put together a Pinterest board of clothing options and feel free to reach out to me for specific outfit combinations for your family. I’m happy to put together a few options. Follow me on Pinterest for more inspiration. My link is:

To clean or not to clean?
Don’t worry about cleaning for me! You’ve just had a baby, so please don’t stress about organizing and “Marie Kondo-ing” before I get there! Again, I want this process to be as stress-free as possible. For the most part the sessions are done in the master bedroom, nursery or living room depending on how much light the rooms get at 10 am. We will do the session the room that gets the most morning light, usually near a big window.

If that room is the master bedroom, I recommend decluttering nightstands and stripping down to simple white bedding – either white sheets or a duvet without a cover. Not only does this provide a clean simple background, it reflects the light beautifully.

How long will the session last?

Typically they last a couple hours. This is because I don’t rush you or the baby, and I don’t want you to stress about having the baby sleeping right when I get there. We let the baby get comfortable and I won’t rush or stress about the time. We will take breaks as needed for diaper changes, feedings and whatever else.

Newborn sessions start at 10 am. The baby is happiest at this time, and the morning light is best.