Baby Maeryn

"Golden slumbers,
Fill your eyes
Smiles await you when you rise
Sleep pretty darling
Do not cry
And I will sing a lullaby." -The Beatles

I love newborns so much. If I could photograph one everyday I wouldn't be in heaven. This little sweetheart is the brand new baby girl of my friends Jimmy and Meredith. I was so honored that they asked me to photograph her. She is an angel. She was awake most of the session but I did get some of her eyes closed. Her big sister Peyton and big brother Declan came for a few pictures too. They were so sweet with her, giving snuggles and kisses whenever they could! I love this family so much, and I can't wait to see them again soon.

Raleigh newborn photography
Raleigh newborn photography
Raleigh newborn photography
Raleigh newborn photography
Raleigh newborn photography
Raleigh newborn photography
Raleigh newborn photography
Raleigh newborn photography
Raleigh newborn photography